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Fredinah Maingi


Hi there!  Thanks for visiting my website.  I am the proud founder of Brows by Fredie.  My business is all about providing beautiful professional facial treatments.


I have had 15 years in providing beauty therapy  treatments and have been fortunate to look after a great variety of clients, including A-list celebrities.


I specialise in facial treatments, which require a special attention to safety, detail and artistry.  Remember when it comes to the face, less is more.


Feather touch micro-blading



What is Feather Touch Brow / Microblading?


MIcroblading is a semi-permanent tattoo proceedure.  Very fine hair like strokes are penetrated into the basel membrane just between the derman and epidermal layer of the skin.  The appearance (when done correctly) achieves a very natural and beautiful looking appearance, just like your own hair.Client



What are the advantages of Feather Microblading?


Microblading saves you time and frustration of drawing your eyebrows on.  In addition to this no amount of pencilling or mascara can truly achieve the same result.  Microblading has the advantage that it is semi-permanent you can go swimming, play sports, sleep and perspire and still look absolutely amazing.



Who this treatment is suitable for?


This treatment is particularly suitable for individuals with eyebrows that are; over-plucked, thin and undefined.  It is particularly suitable for those that want to improve and enhance the natural shape, colour and definition of their eyebrows.  Microblading is effective for indi viduals who have suffered alopecia or eyebrow colouring that is particularly light.  Microblading takes away the need for eyebrow makeup, looks great 24 hours of the day.



Is it painful?  Is it safe?


There are some very common mis-conceptions in regard to this procedure.  Topical Aenesthetic Cream is applied pre-treatment to minimise any discomfort.  Clients typically have almost no discomfort during the treatment at all.  After the aenesthetic wears off, there can be some slight discomfort but this does not last long.  To put this into context waxing is far more painful that microblading - done correctly.


Microblading has some small risks, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you are of these, but more importantly what proceedures that are taken to minimise those risks.    The finest quality equipment is used, blades are single use only, sealed and steralized, they are destroyed after use. 



What does the treatment involve?


All clients require a consultation for 30 minutes prior to the treatment, this allows the consultant to ensure that they are the right candidate for the procedure.  It is an opportunity to ask your Therapist any relevant questions and to determine your key objectives in shaping and colouring your brows.  On commencing the procedure Treatment 1 will take approximately 2 hours, in adition to the initial consultation.



What type of Pigment is used?


Our pigments are of the highest quality, manufactured and imported from USA, they are tested and proven over a 25 year period.  The colour is specifically designed to be safe and non-reactive and is specifically manufactured for implanting into human skin.  Your therapist is professionaly trained to help chose the right pigment shade for your face and skin colouring.  Your therapist will take into account the fading which will occur after your treatment.  Colour fading can be significant as the cells in your face are replaced faster than other areas of the human body.  Becuase of this, it is compulsory to have a follow up appointment in 4-6 weeks, to review the colour acceptance and to add any pigment where required to deliver those 'perfect' beautiful eyebrows.



​Is there down time?


There may be some slight discomfort and stinging in the first hour or so after the treatment.  Yuor eyebrows will appear approximately 30% sharper in colour and around 10% larger immediately after treatment.  Your eyebrows will settle down as the brows begin to heal.  The majority of people do not need to take any time off work.  Therei s usually no swelling in the eyebrow area, however this can vary from person to person and their level of sensitivity.  Most clients return to work with their normal duties immediately.



​How will I look immediately after the treatment?


Your Therapist will supply you with emollient and a clear set of instructions for the after care of your eyebrows.   Take these with you the sheet has clear instructions of what to do and what not to do.


We highly recommend that the client avoids hot baths, swimming and saunas during the first week as healing at this stage is very important.



​​​What will affect the longevity of the treatment?


Everyone's skin is unique, sone individuals will hold pigment for longer that others.  Your eyebrows should look natural and beautiful and should last for between 1 - 2 years.  The rate in which the colour will fade will depend on exposure to the sun and your after-care treatment.


















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